Maryland Divorces by the Numbers

Providing Personal, Professional Legal Services

Divorces are something people rarely ever want to talk about but are all too common these days. In fact, the United States has the sixth-largest divorce rate in the world, with 40 to 50 percent of all marriages resulting in divorce. According to the CDC, in Maryland, 2.4 out of 1,000 marriages end in divorce. Let’s take a closer look at the states surrounding divorces in Maryland. 



Maryland Has the 24th Lowest Divorce Rate

To date, Maryland has the 24th lowest divorce rate in the United States. It is difficult to definitively conclude why Maryland has a low divorce rate. However, different cities within Maryland have different divorce rates. For example, Cumberland leads the state in divorces at 11%, followed by Hampstead. 


Divorce Rates Reached a 50-Year Low in 2019

In 2019, Maryland saw its lowest divorce rate in 50 years. But while divorce rates are dropping, so are marriages. In 2019, 33 adults out of 1,000 got married compared to 86 out of 1,000 in 1970. It’s safe to say that in the past 50 years, societal norms have changed and therefore have caused marriage rates to decline drastically.  


Adults are Waiting Longer to Marry

As divorce rates lower, so do the number of marriages. This isn’t because American adults don’t aspire to get married, but because of financial barriers, careers, and other roadblocks. In 2017, the median age for first marriage reached an all-time high of 27.4 years for women and 29.5 years for men. Instead of rushing to get married, adults are choosing cohabitation. This societal change has influenced the rate of divorce throughout the country. 


Flashy Weddings Haves Been Linked to Divorce 

While couples may marry later, when they do tie the knot, they do so in a big way. Today’s weddings are flashier and more expensive than weddings ten years ago. In fact, according to market research firm Wedding Report, the average American couple spent around $26,000 on their wedding in 2017. However, a story in The Economist’s 1843 magazine points out that couples who opt for a flashy, expensive wedding are more likely to divorce than budget-oriented couples. 


Your Case is More than Just a Number

Here at Alan Billan, we know that your divorce is more than a number. That’s why we always put you and your family first. Divorces are never easy, but we make it easier for you by guiding you throughout the entire process, providing fast and convenient communication, providing dependable legal advice, and getting you the results you want. 


If you are going through a divorce, don’t go through it alone. Have a dependable MD divorce lawyer by your side. Contact us today to schedule a FREE 30-minute consultation. 


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