Contested vs. Uncontested Divorce in Maryland
In Maryland, as in most states, a divorce can be contested or uncontested. We’ve touched on this topic before when we talked about mediation, litigation, four-way meetings and collaborative law, but let’s explore it in more detail. As Maryland divorce lawyers, we get approached quite frequently by clients who are looking for an uncontested divorce […]
5 Qualities of a Good Divorce Lawyer
There is certainly no lack of lawyers in Maryland or in US, for that matter. But a law school diploma alone is no guarantee that you will get the top-notch legal advice you are expecting. This is especially true for divorce attorneys, because the area of family law requires a different approach than, let’s say, […]
5 Tips for a Smooth and Stress-Free Divorce
Divorce is never a pleasant experience. It is liberating at the end, but the whole process that takes you there can be painful if you are approaching it the wrong way. At Alan L. Billian, P.A., we believe in separating happily—we even wrote a book about it. Our Owings Mills divorce attorneys are happy to […]
7 Grounds for Divorce in Maryland
If you are seriously considering ending your marriage, then you probably have a good reason that led you to this decision. In legal terms, this reason (or reasons) is your grounds for divorce. You or your spouse will need to prove these grounds in court in order for the judge to grant you divorce. Keep […]