Establishing Paternity for Child Custody

Maryland Paternity Lawyer

Obtaining legal and/or physical custody of your child can be a very emotional process. Understanding what steps to take in your custody case is important to ensuring a favorable outcome. Let’s take a look at what is involved, and how to establish paternity for child custody. What Child Custody Options Do I Have? Physical Custody […]

How to Split Custody in a Way that is Fair

During a divorce there are many decisions and adjustments that need to be made, but settling on a custody arrangement for your kids is a huge decision. Coming to an agreement that is fair for you, your spouse, partner or significant other, and your kids can be overwhelming and difficult, but it is possible. Here […]

Handling Child Custody When Unmarried

Handling Child Custody When Unmarried

Almost everyone knows somebody who has gone through a divorce. And it is not hard to find a story about how messy a divorce can be. Divvying up all of a couple’s assets and finances can be frustratingly difficult, and deciding custody and visitation rights for a child can be almost unbearable for a parent. […]

Can Child Support be Modified in Maryland?

maryland child support modification

If you are currently paying child support in Maryland and considering filing for child support modification, there are some things you should know first. While it is possible to modify child support in Maryland, it is a complex process, and is only available in certain circumstances. Let’s look quickly at some circumstances that qualify for […]

3 Ways to Make Co Parenting Easier in 2017

co-parenting, maryland divorce, divorce, child custody maryland

Continuing a relationship with your ex after separation or divorce for the sake of your children can be challenging to say the least, especially if it was not a smooth separation. But for the sake of your children and their relationship with both of their parents, it’s essential for you and your ex to work […]

How do I get Temporary Child Support When Filing for Divorce?

child support, temp, temporary, help, family law, attornsy, divorce, divorce lawyer, maryland

Separation and divorce can be a lengthy process, and in many cases the parent with temporary custody needs support payments sooner rather than later. If your soon to be ex-partner and you are unable to agree on support payments, the courts are able to intercede and mandate payments for you. This court-mandated temporary support order […]

Understanding Sole and Shared Physical Child Custody

Child custody can be extremely confusing, no matter if you are new to it or have prior experience. There is legal and physical custody, but each one of them can also be sole, joint or split. Are you confused yet? To help you untangle this mess and understand custody better, our Owings Mills custody lawyers […]

5 Things to Know Before Filing for Custody in Maryland

A custody decision is not always as simple as alternating care between mother and father. Unmarried couples, adopted children, the need to relocate, history of abuse—these are just a few of the things that may complicate a custody case. It’s wise to consult with an experienced Maryland family lawyer before you go to court, even […]

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